An old tire that has completed its life is normally thrown out or people keep that old tire in the garage. A few people sell out their old tires at a very low price to the scrap yards. But, why would you waste your old tire when you have a creative DIYer inside.

As a DIYer, you should think about how you can reuse that old tire. There are many ways to make good use of the tire that is no longer in use. The best way is to transform old tire into DIY painted tire planters.

You don’t need a lot of things to make your first DIY old tire planter. You just need paint, flowers and some soil to use in the tire to plant your flowers.

How to make a DIY old tire planter?

  • In the first step, you need to wash your old tile with warm water. It will help you to clean any dust and removing dust from the tire. You can use any detergent and a brush as well to clean it completely.
  • Make sure that there are no nails in the tire as the old tires might have some nails inside. If you find any, remove those nails.
  • Keep the tire in sunlight and wait for a few hours so that your tire dries completely.
  • Now use a spray bottle to paint the tire. Or you can use a paintbrush to paint the tire with your favorite color. If you have more than 1 tires, you can consider painting the tires with different colors. It will give a beautiful look to your garden.
  • Again, let the tire to get dry for at least one day so that paint won’t stick to your hands.
  • Put this old tire in your garden where you want to keep it permanently. Dig a small hole in the garden that should be inside the tire.
  • Put your flowers and now fill that small hole with the soil that should be good for growing plants.

That is it. Your first DIY old tire painted flower is ready and it will look good in your garden. In this way, you have saved a good amount of money and also you make good use of your old tire. In the same way, you can make a hanging tire planter as well from an old tire.

Here you can check a few more great ideas of old tire planters.



old tires




old tires transform